Selasa, 04 November 2014



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Product details

File Size: 3549 KB

Print Length: 83 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1502787741

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: September 1, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B00N9BH726



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#226,929 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I think one of my favorite parts about the book is the free audio book addition.Lately I've been doing a lot of driving so it is nice to listen to these self help how to guides while I drive.Definitely makes me feel like I am taking advantage of my time, so props to the author on supplying the audio book for free.On to the actual book:It is a brief 70 pages or so. Which is typically a good sign to me.Anytime I download a self help book, I am looking for clear concise content.Any self help book that is several hundreds of pages long, is typically filled with fluff and non useful information.The book is broken into the following 6 stepsStep 1: Getting in the money making mindsetThis section features some content that I've seen in other books before, but the purpose of providing this content has a a definite purpose and enriches the rest of the book.Step 2: Understanding College Financial Aid 101This section is HUGE for High School Seniors about to go into College, Parents sending a child to college for the first time, or anyone who has not waded through the financial aid process themselves. The content in this section is available elsewhere online, but not all in one place, and not in such a clear and concise format.Step 3: The Hunt is On: Finding Scholarships That Have Little Competition Yet Can Fund Your Free RideIn this section we encounter brand new content straight from the source. The $5 value is covered in this section tenfold.Step 4: Heat Up Your Application - Successful Strategies on Becoming a Competitive CandidateAt first glance this seemed a bit of common sense to me. As I was reading I caught myself. I definitely did not think about these strategies when I was still in college, and I know I definitely would not have thought of them while still in High School. It was at this point in the book that I found myself aligning with a lot of the other reviewers in feeling the "I wish I'd known this way back when" feeling. Nostalgia hit me hard, and I can really see how this book could benefit students.Step 5: Crushing Scholarship Applications one at a time Choosing Your ProcessTo a High School or College student, procrastination runs rampant. One of the only ways to get teenagers to work through applications like this is to give them very concise instructions. This section accomplishes that, I believe.Step 6: You've Won The Money: Closing the Deal So More Money Comes Your WayThis section touches on two very key lessons in life: showing gratitude, and paying taxes.There is still nothing that beats a quality Thank You letter, so I was pleased to see this taught as common practice.The taxes section would also be quite useful to students, as taxes are not something many are accustomed to thinking about at their current stage of life.In closing: This is a short, informative, and pleasant read that would have greatly benefited me were I still in college. I look forward to seeing some success stories this book will undoubtedly create. I gave Jocelyn my email address in exchange for the free audio book, so I have no doubts in my mind that I will be informed when the success stories start rolling in!Note: I did not touch on the action guide in this review because I did not use the action guide.

WARNING This book has too many reviews on the same day: September 19, 2014 and many reviewers only reviewed this book, And the ones that have more book reviews, they coincidentally have reviewed other 2 or 3 books that are the same. There are services that if you pay, the will fill your book with positive reviews.I got the book and it is OK. for $5 It is good advice if you are just starting your money for college search.

There isn't much information beyond what you would read in an article on google.

Very disappointed. It's hyped to tell you where to find scholarships. What a waste of money. Let me ruin the end for you, use a book of scholarships or goggle, that is what she said. Not helpful at all. Nothing new here.

Did not help me us out at all. We applied and just got so much spam mail.

Good information for a beginner and an easy read. But nothing amazing or a new discovery. It's a good starting point.

Not much in here you can't find on the web

Jocelyn knows what she's talking about because she's lived it. But she also relays strategies that are easy to understand for parents AND students. We're using this with our 10th grader and our 8th grader is already thinking about how he can start this process early! Thanks for a great resource!





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