Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

PDF Ebook Dashboards for Excel

PDF Ebook Dashboards for Excel

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Dashboards for Excel

Dashboards for Excel

Dashboards for Excel

PDF Ebook Dashboards for Excel

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Dashboards for Excel


“This book’s index is detailed. … this is a very useful, detailed, and informative book that will be of great use to the intended audience.” (David Bellin, Computing Reviews, April, 2016)“The book is not only a step-by-step introduction on how to make a dashboard that would impress our colleagues and management. It goes one level further – what should we get into a good data visualization, best practises and pitfalls for it. … the book is really useful – if you are an Excel dashboard developer you would benefit from it!” (Vitosh Academy,, March, 2016)

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From the Back Cover

This book takes a hands-on approach to developing dashboards, from instructing users on advanced Excel techniques to addressing dashboard pitfalls common in the real world. Dashboards for Excel is your key to creating informative, actionable, and interactive dashboards and decision support systems. Throughout the book, the reader is challenged to think about Excel and data analytics differently―that is, to think outside the cell. This book shows you how to create dashboards in Excel quickly and effectively.In this book, you learn how to:Apply data visualization principles for more effective dashboardsEmploy dynamic charts and tables to create dashboards that are constantly up-to-date and providing fresh informationUse understated yet powerful formulas for Excel developmentApply advanced Excel techniques mixing formulas and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to create interactive dashboardsCreate dynamic systems for decision support in your organizationAvoid common problems in Excel development and dashboard creationGet started with the Excel data model, PowerPivot, and Power Query

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Product details

Paperback: 572 pages

Publisher: Apress; 1st ed. edition (September 29, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1430249447

ISBN-13: 978-1430249443

Product Dimensions:

7 x 1.3 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.8 out of 5 stars

25 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#789,483 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I'm actually between 3 and 4 stars on this. I bought the book because of Purnachandra's (Chandoo's) involvement with it. I'm not sure what his level of contribution was, but as for the book itself, there's some good info on dashboard overall concepts. There are also some interesting takes on Excel functions which I wasn't aware of. I disagree with a couple of the author's approaches, but he does tell you upfront that you may or may not agree with him on those points.The cons: 1, A dashboard book with no color?? This was a disappointment, considering that color is an integral part of many dashboards in how they convey information. 2, The typos and grammar mistakes. Not a big deal to many people, but it just catches my eye whenever I run across them and it detracts from the material. It makes it feel like they were so rushed to get the book out that they couldn't bother with proof-reading.Overall, a decent addition to my Excel library, will be used for occasional reference.

No color - no worries. I don't care. Many of the other concerns you see, I am not worried about. My biggest thing is about the content.This book offers extensive advise - some of which contrary to mainstream best practices - of how to use Excel. This is a good bridge between Walkenbach and Stephen/Bullen/Bovey.I will disclaim some of the other reviews I noticed. First, the color complaint is a non-issue. Every graphics card, operating system, and whatever other variables will render the colors their certain way. There is no point of printing the colors - that's just a waste of money. If you are arguing for the color delivery of the particular print copy of this book, you obviously missed the point.That said, I will say that I downloaded the examples listed in this book, and there are errors all over the place where the code breaks, does not calculate correctly, or all over the place in its entirety. There have been numerous examples, which I downloaded from the suggested page, where the code simply breaks or does not work without significant modification. Really, my 3-star rating has to do with the low level of effort that was put into creating these examples, and testing them in a sufficient fashion..The author makes a big stink about current "best practices" on how to create code. But when it comes to actually creating code, best I can say is the author should have used some of those best practices. Big fail on publishing error-prone code, while advocating fewer checks of errors.

Printing & Paper quality of the book for the hefty price is very poor. Reading Graphs and charts is extremely difficult. The material could be good if I was able to read and follow it. What good is a book which material cant be read & understood.

Hard copy (paperback) is not in color! Bad decision Jordan and Chandoo. You guys have WAY too much talent to make this kind of blunder. You repeatedly reference the impact of color throughout your text, yet it falls on gray-scale images, leaving the reader wondering what the message really is. Fortunately I was able to grab an inexpensive pdf which is colorized.

Gave me the inside tips I was looking for.

Excellent !!!!!!

I recommend this book for intermediate Excel users. For me only a few section was new, most of the material can be found on internet.

Wow, this is the book I've waited

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